Session Proposal Submission

Session Proposal Submission

All symposia at the 23rd WPA Congress will be 60 minutes long and will take place in person, in Vienna, Austria. Symposia are welcome from the general public as well as from WPA sections.
Once you enter the link for submission choose the option “Session proposal” to submit a proposal from the top toolbar.

It is no longer possible to submit session proposals

Rules for Submission

Acceptance of the proposal for a symposium does not imply that the Organizing Committee will cover any expenses of the chairpersons and speakers.

All members of the faculty of a symposium should register to the Congress.

Please read the requirements before submitting proposals:

  • A brief description of the session (max. 250 words) for evaluation purposes describing who will participate in the symposium and the themes they will address.
  • Up to 2 chairs and 4 speakers per session. One of the chairs must also be a speaker.
  • A maximum of two people proposed to participate in the symposium (speakers and the chairs) should be from the same country. Symposia which have more than two persons from the same country will not be accepted.
  • The proposer should receive the acceptance of every speaker and of the chairs in their session prior to submission.
  • If the symposium is developed by a section or is an intersectional symposium, please be sure to mark the details in the drop down menu on the submission form and upload the section chair head approval of the session.
  • Only the proposer will receive notification of the final Scientific Committee decision, and he/she is responsible to communicate the result to all other chairs and speakers.